原文UiSelector, 由于谷歌说这个已经弃用了,吓得我赶快Copy下来.
新文档: UiSelector
经过对比呢, 这两个文档截止今天(2020-3-9)一模一样, 虚惊一场


This package is part of the Android support library which is no longer maintained. The support library has been superseded by AndroidX which is part of Jetpack. We recommend using the AndroidX libraries in all new projects. You should also consider migrating existing projects to AndroidX.

public class UiSelector
extends Object
   ↳    android.support.test.uiautomator.UiSelector

Specifies the elements in the layout hierarchy for tests to target, filtered by properties such as text value, content-description, class name, and state information. You can also target an element by its location in a layout hierarchy.


Public constructors


Public methods

UiSelector checkable(boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are checkable.

UiSelector checked(boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are currently checked (usually for checkboxes).

UiSelector childSelector(UiSelector selector)
Adds a child UiSelector criteria to this selector.

UiSelector className(String className)
Set the search criteria to match the class property for a widget (for example, "android.widget.Button").

UiSelector `className(Class type)` Set the search criteria to match the class property for a widget (for example, "android.widget.Button").

UiSelector classNameMatches(String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the class property for a widget, using a regular expression.

UiSelector clickable(boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are clickable.

UiSelector description(String desc)
Set the search criteria to match the content-description property for a widget.

UiSelector descriptionContains(String desc)
Set the search criteria to match the content-description property for a widget.

UiSelector descriptionMatches(String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the content-description property for a widget.

UiSelector descriptionStartsWith(String desc)
Set the search criteria to match the content-description property for a widget.

UiSelector enabled(boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are enabled.

UiSelector focusable(boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are focusable.

UiSelector focused(boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that have focus.

UiSelector fromParent(UiSelector selector)
Adds a child UiSelector criteria to this selector which is used to start search from the parent widget.

UiSelector index(int index)
Set the search criteria to match the widget by its node index in the layout hierarchy.

UiSelector instance(int instance)
Set the search criteria to match the widget by its instance number.

UiSelector longClickable(boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are long-clickable.

UiSelector packageName(String name)
Set the search criteria to match the package name of the application that contains the widget.

UiSelector packageNameMatches(String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the package name of the application that contains the widget.

UiSelector resourceId(String id)
Set the search criteria to match the given resource ID.

UiSelector resourceIdMatches(String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the resource ID of the widget, using a regular expression.

UiSelector scrollable(boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are scrollable.

UiSelector selected(boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are currently selected.

UiSelector text(String text)
Set the search criteria to match the visible text displayed in a widget (for example, the text label to launch an app).

UiSelector textContains(String text)
Set the search criteria to match the visible text in a widget where the visible text must contain the string in your input argument.

UiSelector textMatches(String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the visible text displayed in a layout element, using a regular expression.

UiSelector textStartsWith(String text)
Set the search criteria to match visible text in a widget that is prefixed by the text parameter.

String toString()

Protected methods

UiSelector cloneSelector()

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Object  clone()
boolean equals(Object arg0)
void    finalize()
final Class<?>  getClass()
int hashCode()
final void  notify()
final void  notifyAll()
String  toString()
final void  wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void  wait(long arg0)
final void  wait()

Public constructors

UiSelector ()
Public methods
UiSelector checkable (boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are checkable. Typically, using this search criteria alone is not useful. You should also include additional criteria, such as text, content-description, or the class name for a widget. If no other search criteria is specified, and there is more than one matching widget, the first widget in the tree is selected.

val boolean: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector checked (boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are currently checked (usually for checkboxes). Typically, using this search criteria alone is not useful. You should also include additional criteria, such as text, content-description, or the class name for a widget. If no other search criteria is specified, and there is more than one matching widget, the first widget in the tree is selected.

val boolean: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector childSelector (UiSelector selector)
Adds a child UiSelector criteria to this selector. Use this selector to narrow the search scope to child widgets under a specific parent widget.

UiSelector UiSelector with this added search criterion
UiSelector className (String className)
Set the search criteria to match the class property for a widget (for example, "android.widget.Button").

className String: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector className (Class type)
Set the search criteria to match the class property for a widget (for example, "android.widget.Button").

type Class: type
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector classNameMatches (String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the class property for a widget, using a regular expression.

regex String: a regular expression
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector clickable (boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are clickable. Typically, using this search criteria alone is not useful. You should also include additional criteria, such as text, content-description, or the class name for a widget. If no other search criteria is specified, and there is more than one matching widget, the first widget in the tree is selected.

val boolean: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector description (String desc)
Set the search criteria to match the content-description property for a widget. The content-description is typically used by the Android Accessibility framework to provide an audio prompt for the widget when the widget is selected. The content-description for the widget must match exactly with the string in your input argument. Matching is case-sensitive.

desc String: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector descriptionContains (String desc)
Set the search criteria to match the content-description property for a widget. The content-description is typically used by the Android Accessibility framework to provide an audio prompt for the widget when the widget is selected. The content-description for the widget must contain the string in your input argument. Matching is case-insensitive.

desc String: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector descriptionMatches (String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the content-description property for a widget. The content-description is typically used by the Android Accessibility framework to provide an audio prompt for the widget when the widget is selected. The content-description for the widget must match exactly with the string in your input argument.

regex String: a regular expression
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector descriptionStartsWith (String desc)
Set the search criteria to match the content-description property for a widget. The content-description is typically used by the Android Accessibility framework to provide an audio prompt for the widget when the widget is selected. The content-description for the widget must start with the string in your input argument. Matching is case-insensitive.

desc String: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector enabled (boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are enabled. Typically, using this search criteria alone is not useful. You should also include additional criteria, such as text, content-description, or the class name for a widget. If no other search criteria is specified, and there is more than one matching widget, the first widget in the tree is selected.

val boolean: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector focusable (boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are focusable. Typically, using this search criteria alone is not useful. You should also include additional criteria, such as text, content-description, or the class name for a widget. If no other search criteria is specified, and there is more than one matching widget, the first widget in the tree is selected.

val boolean: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector focused (boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that have focus. Typically, using this search criteria alone is not useful. You should also include additional criteria, such as text, content-description, or the class name for a widget. If no other search criteria is specified, and there is more than one matching widget, the first widget in the tree is selected.

val boolean: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector fromParent (UiSelector selector)
Adds a child UiSelector criteria to this selector which is used to start search from the parent widget. Use this selector to narrow the search scope to sibling widgets as well all child widgets under a parent.

UiSelector UiSelector with this added search criterion
UiSelector index (int index)
Set the search criteria to match the widget by its node index in the layout hierarchy. The index value must be 0 or greater. Using the index can be unreliable and should only be used as a last resort for matching. Instead, consider using the instance(int) method.

index int: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector instance (int instance)
Set the search criteria to match the widget by its instance number. The instance value must be 0 or greater, where the first instance is 0. For example, to simulate a user click on the third image that is enabled in a UI screen, you could specify a a search criteria where the instance is 2, the className(String) matches the image widget class, and enabled(boolean) is true. The code would look like this: new UiSelector().className("android.widget.ImageView") .enabled(true).instance(2);

instance int: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector longClickable (boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are long-clickable. Typically, using this search criteria alone is not useful. You should also include additional criteria, such as text, content-description, or the class name for a widget. If no other search criteria is specified, and there is more than one matching widget, the first widget in the tree is selected.

val boolean: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector packageName (String name)
Set the search criteria to match the package name of the application that contains the widget.

name String: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector packageNameMatches (String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the package name of the application that contains the widget.

regex String: a regular expression
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector resourceId (String id)
Set the search criteria to match the given resource ID.

id String: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector resourceIdMatches (String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the resource ID of the widget, using a regular expression.

regex String: a regular expression
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector scrollable (boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are scrollable. Typically, using this search criteria alone is not useful. You should also include additional criteria, such as text, content-description, or the class name for a widget. If no other search criteria is specified, and there is more than one matching widget, the first widget in the tree is selected.

val boolean: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector selected (boolean val)
Set the search criteria to match widgets that are currently selected. Typically, using this search criteria alone is not useful. You should also include additional criteria, such as text, content-description, or the class name for a widget. If no other search criteria is specified, and there is more than one matching widget, the first widget in the tree is selected.

val boolean: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector text (String text)
Set the search criteria to match the visible text displayed in a widget (for example, the text label to launch an app). The text for the element must match exactly with the string in your input argument. Matching is case-sensitive.

text String: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector textContains (String text)
Set the search criteria to match the visible text in a widget where the visible text must contain the string in your input argument. The matching is case-sensitive.

text String: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector textMatches (String regex)
Set the search criteria to match the visible text displayed in a layout element, using a regular expression. The text in the widget must match exactly with the string in your input argument.

regex String: a regular expression
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
UiSelector textStartsWith (String text)
Set the search criteria to match visible text in a widget that is prefixed by the text parameter. The matching is case-insensitive.

text String: Value to match
UiSelector UiSelector with the specified search criteria
String toString ()
Protected methods
UiSelector cloneSelector ()

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